Facility Amenities
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7,200 sqft barn with 22 stalls (12'x12'), rubber mat flooring, daily shavings, personal stall fans, fly misting system, roll up doors, tack room and grooming stalls
Tack Room
Each boarder has ability to utilize the tack room to store belongings. Doors are locked with a code system. Includes toilet, sink, refridergator, washer/dryer, A/C, and dehumidifyiers.
Covered Arena
70'x130' Covered arena directly next to the barn. Fully lighted and equipped with automatic irrigation sprinkler system allows for use in all weather conditions. Steel framed roof and safety pipe fencing.
Outdoor Arena
Fully lighted 100'x200' outdoor arena. Free for all boarders to use, as weather permits. Irrigation system in place for added dust control. Located near the barn.
Jumping Course
Outdoor grass jumping course available for lesson use and practice (with staff supervision). No lights are present yet making jump course only usable during the day.
Round Pen
50' Slanted wooden round pen available for training and practice purposes. Sand flooring in round pen.
Free Riding Field
Over 8 acres of large pasture land that can be used for doing field practice and trail riding. A couple logs are laid out for small scale jumping practice. Large oak trees provide great shade.